Volume 9

V9 N7 Pages 41-52

December 2011

BI GIS Competition Brings DSS to AITP NCC

Roger L Hayen
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, USA

Abstract: A national competition problem in business intelligence (BI) is considered to provide an understanding of this competition and the case study problem used. This competition utilizes a commercially available, hosted software application that includes a rich econometric data set. The data are accessed using spatial queries and produce more than four dozen views of the data through predefined reports. Once the queries occur, the data can be analyzed further with other BI tools that include Microsoft Excel. The competition problem requires this analysis of external business data to furnish information for business decision making. This competition has been successful for the past for years. The experience of this competition can be applied to case-based, experiential learning in decision support systems and related information system courses that include a BI component. This usage of the competition problem has been found to work well in several of these courses and should be considered by others for similar courses.

Keywords: BI, Business Intelligence, case problem, Geographic Information System, Geographic Information System, NCC

Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N7 Page 41.pdf

Recommended Citation: Hayen, R. L. (2011). BI GIS Competition Brings DSS to AITP NCC . Information Systems Education Journal, 9(7) pp 41-52. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010)