Volume 9

V9 N7 Pages 33-40

December 2011

Implementing a Dynamic Database-Driven Course Using LAMP

Joseph Packy Laverty
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University, PA USA

David F Wood
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University, PA USA

John Turchek
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University, PA USA

Abstract: This paper documents the formulation of a database driven open source architecture web development course. The design of a web-based curriculum faces many challenges: a) relative emphasis of client and server-side technologies, b) choice of a server-side language, and c) the cost and efficient delivery of a dynamic web development, database-driven platform. This paper reviews alternative dynamic web development, database-driven platforms and presents a case study of integrating LAMP, an open source dynamic web data-base driven solution, in an Information Systems Curriculum. Three sections were presented over a three-year period. Information concerning course content, instructional delivery methods, alternative LAMP technological infrastructures, student retention and performance are also discussed.

Keywords: APACHE, Database, Dynamic Web Pages, LAMP, MySQL, Open Source Software, PHP, WAMP, Web Development

Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N7 Page 33.pdf

Recommended Citation: Laverty, J. P., Wood, D. F., Turchek, J. (2011). Implementing a Dynamic Database-Driven Course Using LAMP. Information Systems Education Journal, 9(7) pp 33-40. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010)