Volume 9
Abstract: Handheld computer technology has been available for decades. The college student today has been exposed to various types of handheld computing devices for most of their lives yet there is little known about how a college student utilizes this type of technology tool as a learning advantage to an anytime or place scenario. This study looks at how one incoming class of freshman engineering students at a mid-sized university in Western Pennsylvania utilized Apple iTouch PDA/Mobile computing devices they had been given upon their enrollment at the university. Survey questions resulted in no significant trend in usage. Personal use and curriculum use resulted in an even split. There was a strong indication of expected future usage. Keywords: iTouch, Twitter, Mobile Computing, Instant Messaging, Communication Technology, Social Networking (SNS), Enrollment Incentive Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N6 Page 30.pdf Recommended Citation: Serapiglia, A. G., Serapiglia, C. P. (2011). Non Directed Utilization of a Hand Held Device: How Does a First Year University Engineering Student Use an iTouch? . Information Systems Education Journal, 9(6) pp 30-37. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010) |