Volume 9

V9 N4 Pages 20-26

September 2011

Assessing Blackboard: Improving Online Instructional Delivery

Adnan Chawdhry
California University of Pennsylvania
California, PA 15419, USA

Karen Paullet
American Public University System

Daniel Benjamin
American Public University System

Abstract: Universities and Colleges have been offering online classes without assessing the tools used for online learning management to determine student perceptions. An understanding of the benefits and concerns as perceived by the student population is essential to implementing an online education environment that is conducive to a student’s learning. This paper provides a quantitative assessment of Blackboard, an online learning management system (LMS), at a small rural Mid-Atlantic university. A survey was distributed to 119 undergraduate and graduate students to discover their perceptions of the benefits and drawbacks of the technology. This survey was based upon a study that was conducted at the University of Denver in 2006. The results of the survey were analyzed to understand the students’ perceptions of this technology and to identify areas for improvement.

Keywords: Universities, Blackboard, Online, Learning

Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N4 Page 20.pdf

Recommended Citation: Chawdhry, A., Paullet, K., Benjamin, D. (2011). Assessing Blackboard: Improving Online Instructional Delivery. Information Systems Education Journal, 9(4) pp 20-26. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010)