Volume 9

V9 N4 Pages 11-19

September 2011

Teach or No Teach: Is Large System Education Resurging?

Aditya Sharma
North Carolina Central University
Durham, NC 27707, USA

Marianne C. Murphy
North Carolina Central University
Durham, NC 27707, USA

Abstract: Legacy or not, mainframe education is being taught at many U. S. universities. Some computer science programs have always had some large system content but there does appear to be resurgence of mainframe related content in business programs such as Management Information Systems (MIS) and Computer Information Systems (CIS). Many companies such as financial institutions have relied on large systems for years. Other companies are turning to mainframe computing as a reliable and economic efficient way of meeting their everyday needs. Additionally, in an ever increasing environmentally conscious environment, “green” solution of computing are sought. In this paper, we sought the opinions of academic members of IBM’s Academic Initiative program and the Enterprise Computing Community (ECC) to ascertain the decisions to address large systems content and the future of mainframe education.

Keywords: mainframe education, Curriculum

Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N4 Page 11.pdf

Recommended Citation: Sharma, A., Murphy, M. C. (2011). Teach or No Teach: Is Large System Education Resurging?. Information Systems Education Journal, 9(4) pp 11-19. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010)