Volume 9

V9 N3 Pages 59-67

August 2011

A Model for Long Term Assessment of Computing and Information Systems Programs

Hisham Al-Mubaid
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Houston, TX 77058, USA

Krishani Abeysekera
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Houston, TX 77058, USA

Dan Kim
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Houston, TX 77058, USA

Sharon Perkins-Hall
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Houston, TX 77058, USA

Kowk-Bun Yue
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Houston, TX 77058, USA

Abstract: Assessment practices and requirements are very broad and vary widely among academic programs and from one institution to the other. Consequently, we noticed, in the recent years, increased vo-lumes of research and interest geared into the assessment process and procedures in various dis-ciplines in higher education. In this paper, we present and explain a model for long term assess-ment and a set of robust tools and techniques within the framework of process steps, team work, and task-driven process management. Using this presented assessment methodology, we have been successful in our accreditation efforts, and improved the quality of our programs. This model can be used for long-term assessment with several years of task scheduling and assessment time-line. We share our views and thoughts in the form of lessons learned and best practices so as to streamline the process of assessment and simplify its procedures and steps.

Keywords: assessment, Information systems programs, ABET, Program assessment, learning outcomes

Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N3 Page 59.pdf

Recommended Citation: Al-Mubaid, H., Abeysekera, K., Kim, D., Perkins-Hall, S., Yue, K. (2011). A Model for Long Term Assessment of Computing and Information Systems Programs. Information Systems Education Journal, 9(3) pp 59-67. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010)