Volume 9
Abstract: This research builds on the behavior learning theory that suggests a response from a student, fol-lowed by a quick feedback and another response from the student will increase student learning. An experiment was performed that allowed students to submit particular homework projects (re-sponse) early. The early submissions were graded promptly and returned to the students with comments for improvement (feedback). The students were then given the opportunity to resubmit the projects prior to the due date (another response) for final grading. Theory indicates that the students who took advantage of such a pre-grading option should do better on subsequent tests which would indicate increased learning as a result of the extra stimulus. The experimental results reported in the current paper provide partial support for the suggested increase in learning by those students who took advantage of the pre-grading option. Keywords: Computer Literacy, Pedagogy, feedback, learning theory Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N2 Page 95.pdf Recommended Citation: Janicki, T., Gebauer, J., Yaylacicegi, U. (2011). Impact of pre-grading / resubmission of projects on test grades in an introductory computer literacy course . Information Systems Education Journal, 9(2) pp 95-100. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010) |