Volume 1

Volume 1, Number 25

December 27, 2003

13 pages821 K bytes

Preparing for the Semantic Web

Antonio M. Lopez, Jr.
Xavier University of Louisiana
New Orleans, LA 70125

Abstract: As today’s undergraduates in computer information systems work towards learning those skills needed in the world of e-Commerce (e.g., HTML, Java, XML, etc.), an enhancement to the World Wide Web is being “spun.” The Semantic Web is the envisioned end-state for the movement of the World Wide Web from words, images, and audio understood only by humans to those same things “wrapped in” organizing concepts and relationships understood by both humans and software agents. Since the Semantic Web is a research effort under the auspices of the World Wide Web Consortium, how are faculty members to expose students to the emerging technology that will impact how e-Commerce will be supported in the future? This paper highlights some of the World Wide Web Consortium work done thus far in moving the current Web toward a Semantic Web. It next presents an overview of ontology development, the key enabling technology for the Semantic Web. Finally, it shows how undergraduate researchers, mentored by their faculty members, can develop ontologies that lead naturally into preparing for the Semantic Web.

Keywords: World Wide Web, e-Commerce, semantic web, ontology, undergraduate research

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Recommended Citation: Lopez (2003). Preparing for the Semantic Web. Information Systems Education Journal, 1 (25). http://isedj.org/1/25/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2003: §2521. ISSN: 1542-7382.)