Volume 7, Number 93 |
September 21, 2009 |
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My Personal Computer Lab: Operating in the "Cloud" |
Marianne C. Murphy
North Carolina Central University
Durham, NC, 27707, USA
Marilyn K. McClelland
North Carolina Central University
Durham, NC, 27707, USA |
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Abstract: The rising costs of maintaining current computer hardware and software strains universities and its students making access to current technologies and relevant applications difficult. Virtualization has provided an innovative solution. We describe our experience with a pilot deployment of a virtual computer laboratory at a medium sized public university. The virtual computer laboratory pilot is a technology transfer of the virtual computer laboratory developed by North Carolina State University. The technology provides scalable, high performance computing resources requested through an internet browser and accessed through either a remote desktop connection or ssh client. This paper includes a brief review of virtualization, a review of instructional uses of virtualization, a description of “cloud” computing, the North Carolina State University implementation history, our pilot experience and lessons learned.
Keywords: cloud computing, VCL, virtualization, virtual lab, virtual machine
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Recommended Citation: Murphy and McClelland (2009). My Personal Computer Lab: Operating in the "Cloud" Information Systems Education Journal, 7 (93). http://isedj.org/7/93/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2008: §2343. ISSN: 1542-7382.)