Volume 7
Volume 7, Number 76 |
July 14, 2009 |
Kamal M. Kakish
Abstract: Automotive Global Supply Chain (GSC) trade and transport is very complex. It involves multiple players and a gigantic number of complex transactions. Consequently, there is a constant need to obtain, analyze, and exchange data securely and compliantly. The rapid changes in Information Technologies coupled with political and socio-economic factors are continuously transforming international trade and transport operations. The importance of GSC IT security and trade compliance has been emphasized increasingly in recent months (ex: WCO SAFE Framework⢠Data Model). Given these challenges, this doctoral research analyzed the dynamics and provided a conceptual solution model that could potentially improve IT security and compliance levels globally. The literature review showed that a significant portion of processing GSC documents in the automotive industry is still paper-based. This causes significant transport delays and increases the potential for errors and IT security exposures. The conceptual model involves establishing a GSC Hosted IT Security Infrastructure Framework coupled with a GSC IT Security Policy that aligns and interoperates with UN Recommendation 33 and the WCO Data Model. The study sought to explain strategic issues related to IT management and industry participants behavior. The study used a mixed-methods descriptive research design using a questionnaire and a set of interviews as the primary means of data collection. The interviews covered a comprehensive representation of global Industry participants. The results of this research demonstrated a statistical correlation between IT Security and trade compliance. These results are beneficial to GSC IT Security administrators, technical, and operational specialists.
Keywords: Global Supply Chain (GSC), IT Security, Hosted IT Services, Secure Electronic Transport
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Recommended Citation: Kakish (2009). Improving the Global Supply Chain through Tightening Information Technology Security. Information Systems Education Journal, 7 (76). http://isedj.org/7/76/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2007: §3153. ISSN: 1542-7382.)