Volume 7
Volume 7, Number 11 |
March 23, 2009 |
Ranida B. Harris
Abstract: Numerous educators have suggested and shown the value in having a real world project for a Systems Analysis and Design course. These real projects are often structured as semester group projects. Traditionally I have had each group work on a different client system. I changed this project structure when an opportunity presented itself to have students complete projects on the same client in more of a competitive environment, similar to an organization soliciting bids on analyzing and designing a new system. At the end of the semester, based on both student comments and the final deliverables, I concluded that there are definite pros and cons of having stand-alone vs. a competitive semester project. However, if I had to choose one, I would have students complete competitive semester projects as experience led me to believe that overall outcomes are better and more positive.
Keywords: group project, Systems Analysis and Design, teaching methods, semester project
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Recommended Citation: Harris (2009). A Systems Analysis and Design Semester Project: A Stand-alone Project vs a Competitive Project. Information Systems Education Journal, 7 (11). http://isedj.org/7/11/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2007: §3712. ISSN: 1542-7382.)