Volume 6
Volume 6, Number 7 |
February 5, 2008 |
Isaac J. Gabriel
Abstract: Rapid growth of electronic commerce increases the competition among e-commerce firms. These firms need to attract new and retain existing customers. In order to do that, their web sites must be usable and user-friendly. Therefore, web site designers and developers need to be well educated in the human-computer interaction (HCI) field. The development of various checklists contributes to better education of web site designers and developers. As a result, web site designers and developers would follow checklists while designing/re-designing sites improving their usability. One of the most important issues related to usability of e-commerce sites is security and privacy of customers’ information. These issues prevent many people from shopping online. E-commerce firms need to make customers feel secure. In this paper, we present a checklist that would help web developers and designers to improve usability of sites with regards to customer security and privacy. As a result, sites would be more usable, hence, would attract more customers. This, in turn, will enable e-commerce firms to survive the competition.
Keywords: electronic commerce, security, privacy, site design, design evaluation
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Recommended Citation: Gabriel (2008). Designing E-commerce Sites with the Focus on Security and Privacy of Online Customers. Information Systems Education Journal, 6 (7). http://isedj.org/6/7/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2006: §5122. ISSN: 1542-7382.)