Volume 6
Volume 6, Number 51 |
December 5, 2008 |
Mary R. Lind
Abstract: In this paper, an exploratory study of the impact of wireless communications on temporary teams is presented. Assessed is the impact of cell phone usage on team formation. Also the flow absorption with the wireless artifact is assessed in terms of team performance. Gender differences using the cell phone to build and maintain teams are assessed. The results indicate that there are gender differences in wireless communication and cell phones that facilitate team formation. Interestingly flow absorption with the cell phone improved team performance.
Keywords: Wireless communication, cell phones, flow, richness, team performance
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Recommended Citation: Lind (2008). The Role of Wireless Communications in Temporary Team Formation. Information Systems Education Journal, 6 (51). http://isedj.org/6/51/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2007: §3354. ISSN: 1542-7382.)