Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 22

V22 N5 Pages 18-45

Nov 2024

Teaching the Metaverse: Applying TPACK to a Multidisciplinary First Year Seminar Course Design

Mark Frydenberg
Bentley University
Waltham, MA USA

David Yates
Bentley University
Waltham, MA USA

Andre Noonan
Bentley University
Waltham, MA USA

Abstract: This paper explores the course design and implementation of a first-year discovery seminar on “Living in the Metaverse” offered at a business university. Integrated with standardized college-readiness topics, the course combines hands-on activities with collaborative assignments and class discussions to present a multidisciplinary exploration of the metaverse from business, technology, and societal perspectives. The authors describe how they utilized the TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) model in designing the course, and how this model can be applied when considering how to incorporate new technologies into courses. To assess the effectiveness of this approach, the authors surveyed students in three sections of the course taught during two consecutive semesters to determine their attitude toward relevant technologies and the course topics. We found that hands-on activities with virtual reality headsets helped make metaverse concepts easier to grasp, while students still had concerns about widespread use of the metaverse, including privacy and security.

Download this article: ISEDJ - V22 N5 Page 18.pdf

Recommended Citation: Frydenberg, M., Yates, D.J., Noonan, A., (2024). Teaching the Metaverse: Applying TPACK to a Multidisciplinary First Year Seminar Course Design. Information Systems Education Journal 22(5) pp 18-45.