Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 22

V22 N1 Pages 4-13

Mar 2024

Embracing Artificial Intelligence to Improve Self-Directed Learning: A Cybersecurity Classroom Study

Jim Marquardson
Northern Michigan University
Marquette, MI USA

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools were met with a mix of enthusiasm, skepticism, and fear. AI adoption soared as people discovered compelling use cases--developers wrote code, realtors generated narratives for their websites, students wrote essays, and much more. Calls for caution attempted to temper AI enthusiasm. Experts highlighted inaccuracies in some of the generated information. Artists, writers, programmers, and other professionals who create for a living questioned their job security. Educators worried that these tools would harm academic integrity. Nevertheless, the tools persist, and AI enthusiasm shows no sign of abating. The current study focuses on how AI tools can be leveraged to improve self-directed learning in the classroom. In a capstone cybersecurity course, the instructor encouraged students to use ChatGPT 3.5 on a self-directed learning assignment to select topics, find learning resources, and carry out their learning plans. Some students did not use ChatGPT. Those who used ChatGPT found it to be a helpful learning aid. All students reported that they plan to use ChatGPT for self-directed learning after graduating. No student violated academic integrity policies. The results demonstrate that AI tools can enhance self-directed learning, though students should be trained to use them effectively. Recommendations for developing assignments that support academic integrity and rigor in the age of AI are provided.

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Recommended Citation: Marquardson, J., (2024). Embracing Artificial Intelligence to Improve Self-Directed Learning: A Cybersecurity Classroom Study. Information Systems Education Journal 22(1) pp 4-13.