Volume 16
Abstract: The Enhanced Virtual Laboratory (EVL) is the product of a Department of Defense grant to enhance outreach, research, and education for cyber security. Through web-based laboratories, EVL allows users to remotely experience interactive content with virtual machines inside a modern web browser providing constructivism-based, student-centered, active-learning instructional activities. Additionally, EVL provides a framework for content centralization that allows designated educators to share their knowledge and techniques of cyber security. By providing users an add-on free environment requiring no additional software to be installed, EVL provides a new and improved method of remotely delivering cyber security content to different users with variable depths of security knowledge. Keywords: Virtual Lab, web based, teaching lab, labs, Virtual server Download this article: ISEDJ - V16 N6 Page 4.pdf Recommended Citation: Black, M., Chapman, D., Clark, A. (2018). The Enhanced Virtual Laboratory: Extending Cyber Security Awareness through a Web-based Laboratory . Information Systems Education Journal, 16(6) pp 4-12. http://isedj.org/2018-16/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2017) |