Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 16

V16 N6 Pages 4-12

December 2018

The Enhanced Virtual Laboratory: Extending Cyber Security Awareness through a Web-based Laboratory

Michael Black
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36688, USA

David Chapman
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36688, USA

Angela Clark
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36688, USA

Abstract: The Enhanced Virtual Laboratory (EVL) is the product of a Department of Defense grant to enhance outreach, research, and education for cyber security. Through web-based laboratories, EVL allows users to remotely experience interactive content with virtual machines inside a modern web browser providing constructivism-based, student-centered, active-learning instructional activities. Additionally, EVL provides a framework for content centralization that allows designated educators to share their knowledge and techniques of cyber security. By providing users an add-on free environment requiring no additional software to be installed, EVL provides a new and improved method of remotely delivering cyber security content to different users with variable depths of security knowledge.

Keywords: Virtual Lab, web based, teaching lab, labs, Virtual server

Download this article: ISEDJ - V16 N6 Page 4.pdf

Recommended Citation: Black, M., Chapman, D., Clark, A. (2018). The Enhanced Virtual Laboratory: Extending Cyber Security Awareness through a Web-based Laboratory . Information Systems Education Journal, 16(6) pp 4-12. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2017)