Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 16

V16 N3 Pages 26-34

June 2018

Administrative or Faculty Control of Online Course Development and Teaching: A Comparison of Three Institutions

Darcy B Tannehill
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, PA 15108, USA

Constance P Serapiglia
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, PA 15108, USA

Jeffery Guiler
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, PA 15108, USA

Abstract: Higher education has enrolled an increasing number of students in recent years through programs utilizing online delivery. This increase has occurred at non-profit and for-profit institutions. Almost every department at every institution has some involvement with online education. A comparison of three quite different institutions, all offering fully online programs, will be provided. This paper will highlight the differences in administrative versus faculty control of the online course development process and the teaching of online courses.

Keywords: Higher Education, faculty control, Online, online development, administrative control, Online teaching

Download this article: ISEDJ - V16 N3 Page 26.pdf

Recommended Citation: Tannehill, D. B., Serapiglia, C. P., Guiler, J. (2018). Administrative or Faculty Control of Online Course Development and Teaching: A Comparison of Three Institutions. Information Systems Education Journal, 16(3) pp 26-34. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2017)