Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 16

V16 N1 Pages 41-50

February 2018

The Challenges of Teaching Business Analytics: Finding Real Big Data for Business Students

Alexander Y Yap
North Carolina A&T State University
Greensboro, NC 27411, USA

Sherrie Drye
North Carolina A&T State University
Greensboro, NC 27411, USA

Abstract: This research shares the challenges of bringing in real-world big business data into the classroom so students can experience how today’s business decisions can improve with the strategic use of data analytics. Finding a true big data set that provides real world business transactions and operational data has been a challenge for academics developing a data analytics course or curriculum, because in the past academics use to rely on ‘fictitious small data’ to teach students the basics of analytics. The ideal scenario for business academics who wish to bring a more cutting-edge experience to business students is to show them how evolutionary tools in data mining analytics can interpret real world big business data. This research emphasizes the need for students to have more exposure to big data analytics. This paper presents how a real world big data set has been utilized in a business course.

Keywords: Business Analytics, Data Mining, data warehousing, Education in Data Analytics, Real world Big Data

Download this article: ISEDJ - V16 N1 Page 41.pdf

Recommended Citation: Yap, A. Y., Drye, S. (2018). The Challenges of Teaching Business Analytics: Finding Real Big Data for Business Students. Information Systems Education Journal, 16(1) pp 41-50. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2017)