Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 14

V14 N6 Pages 41-46

November 2016

Using a Multimedia Final Project in an IT Ethics Course

Elizabeth V Howard
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

David Woods
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

Abstract: In previous semesters of our IT Ethics course, students created traditional final projects where they presented some topic in IT Ethics that we did not cover during the course. Students were free to choose how they would present their information with most groups choosing a traditional presentation where some members of the group were clearly improvising on the day of the presentation. There were a few groups, however, who would embrace the challenge for creativity and create movie trailers, mock trial scenes, or short skits. We wondered if students would feel more engaged in the course material if their final project required the creativity of a multimedia project.

Keywords: IT Ethics, creativity, multimedia, student engagement, Pedagogy

Download this article: ISEDJ - V14 N6 Page 41.pdf

Recommended Citation: Howard, E. V., Woods, D. (2016). Using a Multimedia Final Project in an IT Ethics Course. Information Systems Education Journal, 14(6) pp 41-46. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2015)