Volume 14
Abstract: Through industry news as well as contemporary reporting, the topic of computer security has become omnipresent in our daily lives. Whether the news is about corporate data breaches, international cyber espionage, or personal data compromises and identity theft – EVERYONE has had to deal with digital security in some way. Because of this, one of the fastest growing areas of need in the CIS discipline and workforce is for skilled and knowledgeable security workers, and a gap has formed that has left hundreds of thousands of jobs unfilled possibly compromising overall security even more. While nothing trumps actual experience, it is possible to instill some experience into undergraduate students through simulations and especially cyber-security competitions. Inclusion of a competitive team in a second level security course is shown to increase student satisfaction with the course material, instructor effectiveness, and student perception of preparedness in the field. Keywords: Competitions, Cybersecurity, Hacking, IS Curriculum, Security Download this article: ISEDJ - V14 N5 Page 25.pdf Recommended Citation: Serapiglia, A. (2016). The Case for Inclusion of Competitive Teams in Security Education . Information Systems Education Journal, 14(5) pp 25-32. http://isedj.org/2016-14/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2015) |