Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 14

V14 N3 Pages 45-54

May 2016

Protecting Privacy in Big Data: A Layered Approach for Curriculum Integration

Dana Schwieger
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, USA

Christine Ladwig
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, USA

Abstract: The demand for college graduates with skills in big data analysis is on the rise. Employers in all industry sectors have found significant value in analyzing both separate and combined data streams. However, news reports continue to script headlines drawing attention to data improprieties, privacy breaches and identity theft. While data privacy is addressed in existing information system (IS) programs, greater emphasis on the significance of these privacy issues is required as big data technology advances. In response to the increasing demand analytics skills, some colleges and universities are developing big data programs and degrees (Gupta, Goul & Dinter, 2015). Yet not every university has the resources to allow for such expansion; some institutions struggle just to cover their IS core program courses. For these latter programs, awareness of the importance of privacy and privacy methods—like the application of security controls—is best integrated academically through a layered approach. Therefore, in this paper, the authors illustrate the important role that data privacy plays in the realm of big data, and suggest methods for providing a layered approach to applying big data privacy concepts to the IS2010 Model Core Curriculum.

Keywords: big data, IS2010 model curriculum, Privacy, Teaching Pedagogy

Download this article: ISEDJ - V14 N3 Page 45.pdf

Recommended Citation: Schwieger, D., Ladwig, C. (2016). Protecting Privacy in Big Data: A Layered Approach for Curriculum Integration. Information Systems Education Journal, 14(3) pp 45-54. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2015)