Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 14

V14 N3 Pages 29-44

May 2016

How secure is education in Information Technology? A method for evaluating security education in IT

Mark Grover
Durham, NC 27709, USA

Bryan Reinicke
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY 14623, USA

Jeffrey Cummings
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, NC 28403, USA

Abstract: As the popularity of Information Technology programs has expanded at many universities, there are a number of questions to be answered from a curriculum standpoint. As many of these programs are either interdisciplinary, or at least exist outside of the usual Computer Science and Information Systems programs, questions of what is appropriate for the curriculum and accreditation have arisen. More specifically, as the demand for information security professionals has expanded enormously, IT majors will increasingly be asked to fill these roles. This paper seeks to examine the curriculum for IT programs with a special focus on security. Security has become an increasingly important topic, and one that IT graduates will likely be dealing with professionally. We answer this question by examining the curriculum guidelines for IT programs, and comparing these to both professional standards and IT program curriculums at several universities.

Keywords: IT Education, Curriculum, accreditation, Security, Certification

Download this article: ISEDJ - V14 N3 Page 29.pdf

Recommended Citation: Grover, M., Reinicke, B., Cummings, J. (2016). How secure is education in Information Technology? A method for evaluating security education in IT. Information Systems Education Journal, 14(3) pp 29-44. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2015)