Volume 10

V10 N6 Pages 93-104

December 2012

Adjunct Communication Methods Outside the Classroom: A Longitudinal Look

Anthony Serapiglia
St. Vincent College
Latrobe, PA 15650, USA

Abstract: The ubiquitous nature of social networking and online/electronic communication has become expected in every area of life by those students that are entering colleges and universities today. This is in direct opposition with the trend of colleges and universities to reduce support for basic infrastructure services such as school provided E-mail. The continued rise of reliance on adjunct professors as a source of direct, on-ground instruction has also led to a shift and reduction of the opportunities for the student to interact with their teachers. The availability of modern technology for communication has provided many new avenues for this interaction to take place. It is necessary for adjunct faculty and institutions to explore and leverage new channels of electronic and online communication to provide opportunities for timely and valuable exchanges between instructor and student outside of the classroom.

Keywords: adjunct faculty, Facebook, Instant Messaging, Out Of Classroom Communication, Social Networks, Twitter

Download this article: ISEDJ - V10 N6 Page 93.pdf

Recommended Citation: Serapiglia, A. (2012). Adjunct Communication Methods Outside the Classroom: A Longitudinal Look. Information Systems Education Journal, 10(6) pp 93-104. http://isedj.org/2012-10/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2011)