Volume 10

V10 N3 Pages 67-85

June 2012

Reasserting the Fundamentals of Systems Analysis and Design through the Rudiments of Artifacts

Musa J Jafar
West Texas A&M University
Canyon, TX 79016, USA

Jeffry Stephen Babb
West Texas A&M University
Canyon, TX 79016, USA

Abstract: In this paper we present an artifacts-based approach to teaching a senior level Object-Oriented Analysis and Design course. Regardless of the systems development methodology and process model, and in order to facilitate communication across the business modeling, analysis, design, construction and deployment disciplines, we focus on (1) the ability to define the boundaries of the system through context analysis, (2) the separation between business needs and technology requirements (business requirements vs. software requirements specifications), (3) the clear separation between analysis and design (business-domain models vs. analysis models vs. design models), (4) the evolution of artifacts from domain artifacts, to analysis artifacts and to design artifacts, and (5) the application of abstractions, formal methods and patterns to produce the necessary design artifacts. Thus, we emphasize the transition from computation-independent models, to platform-independent models, to platform-specific implementation models. We assert that the qualities of the produced artifacts convey the essentials of a student’s understanding of analysis and design. In this sense, as students engage the artifacts of design, they converse with the problem and solution space in a manner that strengthens their command of the interface between information systems and organizations. We assert that faculty teaching an Analysis and Design course should focus on the quality of artifacts that serve as the “meeting point or interface” between the problem space and the solution space rather than on the development methodology(s) and process model(s) involved.

Keywords: analysis, Design, object model, Object Oriented, sequence diagram, Use-case

Download this article: ISEDJ - V10 N3 Page 67.pdf

Recommended Citation: Jafar, M. J., Babb, J. S. (2012). Reasserting the Fundamentals of Systems Analysis and Design through the Rudiments of Artifacts . Information Systems Education Journal, 10(3) pp 67-85. http://isedj.org/2012-10/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2011)