Volume 2
Volume 2, Number 10 |
February 6, 2004 |
Ronald B. Finkbine
Abstract: Common today in Computer Information Systems (CIS) education programs are two types of analysis for software development, top-down and object-oriented. Often overlooked is state transition analysis. In an effort to introduce students to the concept of deterministic finite automata, an advance programming in COBOL course completed a final project of building a DFA tool in COBOL.
Keywords: deterministic finite automata, finite automata, DFA, FA, finite state machine, FSM
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Recommended Citation: Finkbine (2004). The COBOL DFA Tool. Information Systems Education Journal, 2 (10). http://isedj.org/2/10/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2003: §3234. ISSN: 1542-7382.)