IS 2002 and Accreditation: Describing the IS Core Areas in Terms of the Model Curriculum Jeffrey P. Landry J. Harold Pardue School of CIS, University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36688 John H. Reynolds School of CIS, Grand Valley State University Grand Rapids, MI 49401 Herbert E. Longenecker, Jr. School of CIS, University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36688 ABSTRACT The authors propose a reasonable linkage between information systems (IS) curriculum accreditation and the IS 2002 model curriculum by mapping the learning units of IS 2002 into the six IS core areas defined by IS curriculum accreditation guidelines. The implication of the mapping is to facilitate a straightforward aggregation of bottom-up, outcome-based course assessment data for use in curriculum accreditation. Keywords: IS model curriculum, IS accreditation, curriculum development 1. INTRODUCTION A major component of the three-year-old process of information systems (IS) curriculum accreditation involves the coverage of six major areas of IS curriculum content. The accrediting body for information systems programs (ABET 2003) requires schools to report on semester hour coverage in each of these six areas, called the IS core areas for accreditation. The six content areas include: hardware and software, a modern programming language, data management, networking and telecommunications, analysis and design, and role of IS in organizations (ABET 2003, p. 9) While not the only guidelines for curriculum self-study, the six core areas provide a comprehensive umbrella under which a school's IS curriculum efforts should fit. The existence of this short-list of content areas suggests that IS curriculum accreditation, in part, comes down to these two fundamental questions: where do we provide coverage of these areas in our IS curriculum? and how proficient are our graduating IS seniors in these six areas?" Schools with undergraduate IS degree programs seeking accreditation would be well-informed to understand how their curriculum provides adequate course coverage and student proficiency in each of the content areas. Answering the fundamental accrediting questions is an important focus of the self-study process, and there are multiple approaches. Accrediting bodies generally expect you to provide an estimate of semester-hour-coverage (SHC) for each course for each of the six areas to answer the first question, and examples of student performance to answer the other. Our approach is to take a bottom-up, or courses-to-curriculum, perspective, reusing the work done by faculty to develop and assess their courses using objectives and outcomes-assessment in a way that the IS 2002 model curriculum intended. From a bottom-up perspective, answering these questions involves considering all of a curriculum's content detail-including courses, objectives, teaching methods, assignments, and testing-and figuring out how they "add up" toward answering the fundamental accrediting questions. Table 1 - IS Core Areas (ABET CAC 2003) IS curriculum accreditation is viewed as part of an ongoing process of continuous curriculum improvement. Prior work (Daigle et al. 2003) has described a "step one" of the process, that of mapping one's course objectives to the learning units of the IS 2002 model. This paper is thus a "step two." The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate and present a mapping, using the Information Systems Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems (IS 2002-Gorgone et al. 2002), of low-level learning units to high-level content areas for IS accreditation. It makes sense to use IS 2002 for curriculum accreditation, as both IS 2002 and ABET accreditation are so very similar in form and purpose. By demonstrating and presenting this link between the two compatible curriculum assessment mechanisms, we hope to provide a bridge for faculty to use both mechanisms as part of the same process. 2. IS CORE AREAS The IS core areas, listed in the table below, are a concise set of content areas for IS. Although they are not formally defined or described by ABET (2003), they are easily recognizable by IS faculty. We believe that the six core areas subsume the learning units of IS 2002; in other words, each learning unit can find a place in at least one of the IS core areas. The core areas are compatible with IS 2002 and are similar to some of the 11 logical courses that have been described as "containers" for organizing the 150 learning units of IS 2002. These learning units are at the heart of the IS 2002 undergraduate degree program guidelines, providing detailed educational goals and objectives on a variety of IS topics taught at various levels of depth. 3. MAPPING LU'S INTO THE IS CORE AREAS We attempted to establish the link between model curriculum and accreditation by mapping the learning units to the IS core areas for accreditation. One expert assigned each of the 150 learning units of IS 2002 into a single IS core area. He looked at the learning unit title and goal, and then assigned it to the category that best seemed to fit. Most of the learning units fit cleanly into one area. In some cases, an LU was assigned to a first and second-closest match to be double-checked later. Once all of the learning units were considered, and a consistent rationale was well-understood, the mappings were revisited, and a few were changed. A co-author double-checked the mappings with the first author, and they agreed on changes. A third co-author also suggested a change that was agreed to by the others. The table above lists the number of learning units assigned to each core area, and the percentages are given to indicate the relative areas of emphasis of the model curriculum learning units. According to our mapping, the role of IS in organizations, together with analysis and design, describe about 64% of all learning units in the model curriculum. Data management has the next largest with 12% coverage in the model curriculum, followed by a modern programming language, hardware and software, and networking and telecommunications. 4. IS EXIT ASSESSMENT EXAM To provide further evidence of student performance in the areas of accreditation, it is possible to use the learning unit mappings to aggregate the results of the IS Exit Assessment Exam (CCER 2004; Reynolds et al. 2004; Landry et al. 2003), which is based on the IS 2002 learning units. The overall results of the Spring 2004 IS Exit Assessment Exam are reported in Table 1, with averages reported on a percentage basis for each content area. The 256 multiple-choice items were assigned a IS core area categories based on the learning units they tested. Average scores in the various areas ranged from a high of 52 in the role of IS in organizations to a low of 40 in hardware and software. A total of 938 students from 33 schools took the exam on a nationwide basis, and a score of 50 was considered to be a passing score. Clearly, the ability of a school to aggregate its student performance in these core areas and compare these scores to the national results shown would be a powerful tool for curriculum self-assessment. 5. CORE AREA-BY-CORE AREA BREAKDOWN The next section details each of the learning unit to IS core area mappings. For each IS core area, a table of learning units is presented at the end of the paper. The LU's are ordered by logical course and then LU number. The LU short title is given, but the LU's educational goal, used in the mapping process, is omitted here for brevity. An example of the mapping detail is show in Table-2 below. If the learning unit was covered on the most recent IS exit exam, the national average, given as a percentage, is listed in the last column. Because the IS 2002 logical course numbers are listed only, a list of the logical courses follows: 0 - Personal Productivity with IS Technology 1 - Fundamentals of Information Systems 2 - Electronic Business Strategy, Architecture and Design 3 - Information Systems Theory and Practice 4 - Information Technology Hardware and System Software 5 - Programming, Data, File and Object Structures 6 - Networks and Telecommunication 7 - Analysis and Logical Design 8 - Physical Design and Implementation with DBMS 9 - Physical Design and Implementation in Emerging Environments 10 - Project Management and Practice Data Management Mappings The data management core area's learning units come primarily from three areas. First, learning units that deal with database and data and information fundamentals coming from the IS.0 logical course are included. Learning units on data and file structures from the IS.5 logical course are mapped, as are the database-related objectives from the IS.8 logical course. Data management makes up 12% of the IS 2002 model curriculum, according to our mapping. Analysis and Design Mappings The 45 learning units grouped into the Analysis and Design area represents 30% of the model curriculum and the second-largest area. The learning units actually come from eight of the 11 logical courses, not just the analysis and design (IS.7) course as one might expect. A total of 107 test items on the Spring 2004 IS Exit Assessment Exam covered learning units in analysis ands design, making it the area of highest concentration. Some of the project management learning units are included here due to their emphasis on analysis and design activities rather than on project management activities. Role of IS in Organizations Mapping The 51 learning units grouped into the Analysis and Design area represents 34% of the model curriculum, the area of highest concentration. The learning units come from nine of the 11 logical courses. This was the second-highest area of concentration on the Spring 2004 IS Exit Assessment Exam with 72 questions or 28% of the exam. Modern Programming Language Mappings The ABET guidelines call for students to learn "a modern programming language." From the model curriculum, this guideline was interpreted as meaning simply "programming," as distinct from analysis and design. Most of the learning units mapped to the modern programming language area come from the Programming, Data, File and Object Structures (IS.5) logical course. The 13 learning units make up 9% of the model curriculum. Networking and Telecommunications Mappings The networking and telecommunications core area had the closest fit with any logical course in the model curriculum. All 11 of its learning units come from the Networking and Telecommunications (IS.6) logical course. Hardware and Software This area is made up of 13 learning units, nine of which come from the IT Hardware and Software logical (IS.4) course. Only two learning units from this area were tested on the IS exit assessment exam, so this area turned out to be the least represented among the IS core areas. 6. DISCUSSION The main contribution of this paper is to provide a detailed mapping of IS 2002 learning units into the six IS core areas for accreditation. We showed that each of the 150 learning units of the model curriculum could be fit into one of the six IS core areas. The value of the mapping is in its contribution in enabling the IS 2002 model curriculum to be used for IS curriculum accrediting. The implication is that bottom-up curriculum data, coming from courses that use learning units, can be organized to provide an aggregate view of curriculum and performance. Faculty can focus on improvements and assessments at the course level, and then easily show how the curriculum is affected. If course improvements and curriculum changes are kept up with on a continuing basis, aggregate reporting will become easier, and a process of continuous, measurable curriculum improvement will possible with a minimum of data collection and reporting effort. An objective, defensible, easy to assemble, accreditation self-study, backed up with detailed data, would also follow. 7. REFERENCES ABET Computing Accreditation Commission, "Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs." Approved Nov. 1, 2003, ABET, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, URL:, accessed on September 9, 2004. Center for Computing Education Research, IS Exit Assessment Exam, Spring 2004, URL: Daigle, Roy J., Longenecker, Herbert E, Jr., Landry, Jeffrey P., and Pardue, J. Harold, 2004, "Using the IS 2002 Model Curriculum for Mapping an IS Curriculum." Information Systems Education Journal, January 27, 2004, Volume 2, Issue Number 1, URL: Gorgone, J., Davis, G., Valacich, J., Topi, H., Feinstein, D. Longenecker, H., 2002, IS 2002 Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems (DRAFT). ACM, New York, NY, AIS, and AITP (formerly DPMA), Park Ridge, IL. Landry, Jeffrey P., Reynolds, John H., and Longenecker, Herbert E. Jr., 2003, "Assessing Readiness of IS Majors to Enter the Job Market: An IS Competency Exam Based on the Model Curriculum." Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2003), August 2003, Tampa, FL. Reynolds, John H., Longenecker, Herbert E. Jr., Landry, Jeffrey P., Pardue, J. Harold, Applegate, Brooks, 2004, "Information Systems National Assessment Update: The Results of a Beta Test of a New Information Systems Exit Exam Based on the IS 2002 Model Curriculum." Information Systems Education Journal, May 1, 2004, Volume 2, Issue Number 24, URL: 8. APPENDIX -MAPPING DETAIL: LEARNING UNITS BY IS CORE AREA Table 2 - Data Management Course LU LU Title Sp04 Avg 0 13.05 Organizing personal data resources 0 13.06 Database terminology and concepts 0 13.07 Accessing/retrieving/storing data 0 13.12 Implementing a simple database design 0 15 Information Use Strategies 55 5 42 Information Measurements/Data/Events 61 5 43 Data: Characters, Records, Files, Multi-Media 5 53 ADTs: Data and Files Structures 5 54 ADTs: Arrays, Lists, Trees, Records 30 5 55 ADTs: Indexed Files, Keys 53 7 81 IS Database Applications Development 54 8 88 IS Data Modeling 55 8 89 ADTs: Database Models and Functions 8 90 IS Database and IS Implementation 42 8 91 IS Database Application Structuring 34 8 92 IS Database Application Implementation 45 8 95 IS Database Conceptual/Logical Models 54 10 111 IS Requirements and Database 34 Table 3 - Analysis and Design Course LU LU Title Sp04 Avg 0 2 Knowledge Work Software 0 3 Problem Solving, Small IS 0 13.02 Support: individuals vs groups 0 13.03 Info analysis: individual vs group 0 13.04 Info analysis: finding IS/IT requirements 0 13.08 Is life cycle: developing with packages 0 13.09 Configure and customize a package 0 13.14 IS Development with Prototyping 0 13.16 Implementing a personal IS application 69 0 14 Problem Solving, with Packages 51 1 5 Systems and Quality 1 8 IT Systems Specification 65 1 13 IS Personal Level Systems 47 3 19 Personal, Cognitive Process 3 24 Systems, Work-Flow, Organizational Systems 5 45 Problem Solving, Formal Problems and IS 5 46 Object Representation of a System 5 56 Problem Solving, IS Applications, Sub-Structures 5 57 Problem Solving, Data and File Applications 32 5 58 Problem Solving, with Files and Database 42 5 59 Problem Solving, File/DB Editors/Reports 50 7 72 IS Analysis and Design Tasks 65 7 73 IS Commercial Implementations 39 7 74 IS Requirements and Specifications 74 7 75 IS Design and Implementation 46 7 76 IS Rapid Prototyping 51 7 77 IS Development Risks/Feasibility 7 82 Problem Solving, Complexity Metrics 7 83 IS Software Quality Metrics 7 84 Systems and Quality Metrics/Assessment 43 8 93 IS Application Development/Code Generation 34 8 96 IS Functional Specifications 45 8 98 IS Development and Conversion 49 8 99 IS Requirements/Work-Flow Planning 8 117 Personal, Presentation 39 9 100 IS Application with Programming Language 29 9 101 IS Implementation with Objects, Event Driven 9 103 IS Development Testing 43 9 116 IS Life Cycles and Projects 42 10 105 IS Development, Project Planning 41 10 106 IS Development, Project Management 45 10 107 IS Development, Project Management 39 10 108 IS Development, Project Management Tools 30 10 109 IS Development, Project Close Down 10 110 IS Applications, Production Systems 56 Table 4 - Role of IS in Organizations Course LU LU Title Sp04 Avg 0 4 IT and Society 0 13.01 Work and activity concepts 1 6 Information and Quality 1 9 IT and Attaining Objectives 1 10 Characteristics of an IS Professional 1 11 IS Careers 1 12 Ethics and the IS Professional 2 200 Evolution of IT use 2 201 E-commerce relationship types 2 202 Value and Supply chain concepts 2 203 Customer issues and solutions 2 204 E-commerce functionality 2 205 Interorganizational Ethical Issues 2 206 Hardware/Software Inter-organizational System 2 207 Inter-organizational IS Development Methodologies 2 208 Individual Privacy Concerns 3 16 IS Theory 3 17 IS as a Strategic Component 3 18 IS Development and Management 3 20 Personal, Goals and Decisions 3 21 Decision Making, Simon Model 29 3 22 Systems and Quality, and IS 41 3 23 Systems, Role of Management, Users, Designers 52 3 25 Models, Organizational Relationship to IS 3 26 IS Planning 3 27 IS Types 3 28 IS Development Standards 3 29 IS Implementation, Outsourcing 3 30 Personal, Performance Evaluation 3 31 IS Society and Ethics 3 119 Ethics and Legal Issues 66 3 123 IS Management of IS Function 6 124 IS Management of Emerging Technologies 7 78 IS Continuous Improvement and IS 50 7 79 Interpersonal, Consensus Development 59 7 80 Interpersonal, Group Dynamics 44 7 85 IS Professional Code of Ethics 8 86 Interpersonal, Synergistic Solutions 8 87 Interpersonal, Agreements and Commitment 56 8 94 IS Development and Project Management 42 8 127 Quality and Performance Management 54 9 112 Personal, Proactivity, Principled Action 67 9 113 Interpersonal, Empathetic Listening 39 9 114 Interpersonal, Goals, Mission, Alignment 51 9 115 IS Responsibility to Sell Designs to Management 39 9 118 Personal, Life-Long Learning 69 9 120 IS Management and IS Department Organization 50 10 121 Personal, Leadership and IS 67 10 122 IS Policies and Standards 10 125 IS Implementation and Outsourcing 10 126 Personal, Time and Relationship Management 68 Table 5 - Modern Programming Language Course LU LU Title Sp04 Avg 0 13.1 Procedural/event driven programming 0 13.11 Implementing simple algorithms 0 13.13 Implementing and event driven applications 5 44 ADTs, Classes, Objects 5 47 Problem Solving, Algorithm Development 27 5 48 Problem Solving, Top Down Implementation 41 5 49 Problem Solving, Object Implementation 5 50 Problem Solving, Modules/Cohesion/Coupling 5 51 Verification and Validation, A Systems View 5 52 Problem Solving, Environments and Tools 5 60 Problem Solving, Design, Test, Debug 55 5 61 Programming: Language Comparison 9 104 IS Applications, Programming Environment Table 6 - Networking and Telecommunications Course LU LU Title Sp04 Avg 6 32 Telecom, Devices, Media, Systems 42 6 33 Telecom, Organizational Support By 6 34 Telecom, Economics, Design Issues 34 6 35 Telecom, Standards, Standard Organizations 6 36 Telecom, Central/Distributed Systems 6 37 Telecom, Architectures, Topologies, Protocols 6 38 Telecom, Hardware and Software 6 39 Telecom, Services, Reliability, Security... 6 40 Telecom, Installation, Implementation 50 6 41 Telecom, LAN, Installation, Configuration Table 7 - Hardware and Software Course LU LU Title Sp04 Avg 0 1 Systems and IT Concepts 0 13.15 IS Technology Evolution 1 7 IT Hardware and Software 4 62 Telecom, Systems View HW/SW 41 4 63 IT Peripheral Devices 4 64 IT Hardware Architectures 4 65 IT Systems Software Components, Interactions 4 67 OS Functions 4 68 OS Environments and Resources 4 69 OS, Installation, Configuration for Multi-Media 4 70 OS, Interoperability and Systems Integration 4 71 OS, Installation, Configuration of Multi-User Systems 38 8 97 IS Conversion Planning